Royalty-Free Stock Medical Images
Download medically-accurate images to enhance your website, presentations, books and other print materials. These high-quality images are not available through any other stock image provider.

Premium Images
The same team that built ViewMedica Web, the industry standard for patient education videos, has launched ViewMedica Stock Medical Images. Now you have access to beautiful images generated by our team of medical illustrators and dynamic art from our award-winning ViewMedica Web patient education videos. These images are royalty-free, so you can use an image multiple times after purchasing it once.

Save with Credit Packs
ViewMedica Stock is a credit-based service. Customers buy credits at $10 per credit, then use them to download images. You can buy just enough credits to download a single image, or save up to 40 percent by purchasing credit packs. The credit cost of an image is based on its size and quality, with Web-quality images starting at just one credit.

New Images Added Regularly
ViewMedica Stock will continue to grow as we concentrate on more medical specialties. Our goal is to provide the most complete library of medical images on the Web. So, if you have a specific image need, let us know about it.

Customizable Backgrounds
Choose a custom background for any of our images that are marked with the colorful Custom Background icon. We offer several background styles, including transparency, designed to help you seamlessly integrate our images with your website or presentation.

Web-Based Patient Education
If you like the still images in ViewMedica Stock, you'll probably want to add the award winning ViewMedica Web patient education system to your site. Create your own patient education library from ViewMedica's large library of videos.