Florida, Philly declare public health emergency
A major surge in cases of Hepatitis A causes a health emergency in Florida and Philadelphia.

Florida and Philadelphia recently declared a public health emergency after a large surge in Hepatitis A.
The Hepatitis A outbreak has been a growing problem for much of the U.S., leading health officials to recommend routine vaccinations specifically for homeless people.
According to the Philadelphia Tribune-Review, many cases are found where there is a high concentration of homeless people addicted to opioids.
In the Miami Herald, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees said, “The best way to prevent Hepatitis A is through vaccination. It is important that we vaccinate as many high-risk individuals as possible in order to achieve herd immunity.”
The ViewMedica patient education library has information about the Hepatitis A Vaccine and Vaccines in general. Practices subscribing to ViewMedica have access to these videos and more.